Microsoft has announced that as of December 1st, 2016, Dynamics GP v2016 R2 is available for client upgrade. This latest release has more than 25+ new features, including the following:

  • The ability to link credit card invoices to the original invoice. This includes the ability to update the transaction description on the credit card vendor invoice to easily track back to the originating voucher. In addition, there is now the ability to modify the Reconcile to GL from Payables to link the credit card payment and credit card vendor invoice to GL entries with matched transactions.
  • Bank Reconciliation tracks history, which will improve the bank reconciliation performance process
  • The ability to enter and save a Fixed Asset ID with a suffix
  • There’s now an option to include taxes as part of the acquisition cost when adding a capital item in Fixed Assets from a Purchase Receipt
  • The Safe Pay file now displays the cheque name from the cheque and not the default name from the vendor card
  • A credit limit warning calculation for unposted credit documents
  • A new option called Employment History allows you to track termination and rehire dates in Human Resources
  • The Sales/ Payable distribution line is expanded, including inquiry windows
  • The GL distribution line opens expanded
  • Display tax percent for historical transactions
  • There’s a Requisition inquiry visual icon that will be displayed when the Purchase Order has been updates to that all quantities will not be fulfilled
  • The ability to cancel a PO when it’s linked to a requisition
  • Smartlist favorite protection, so that when a user tries to modify a Smartlist favorite they will be prompted for a password
  • Batch error message now includes the User ID, so that when the message “ This batch is being edited by another user” is displayed it includes the User ID
  • Smartlist Designer smartlists are now available in Advance lookup windows

To learn more about the many new features available please see go to the GP Blog site at

To plan your upgrade to GP v2016 R2, please contact us.